

This was supposed to be a great weekend out in the sun in the evenings with my friends. Did it end up that way? No. I played videogames instead. Fun. Today I'm going to Barkarby, the only fun thing I'll get this weekend. Gargh, I'm pissed of. I hope I'll buy at least one thing today, otherwise this weekend is ruined. Sorry for my rather negative post, I promise I'll be happier tomorrow.

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Du är ju typ den snyggaste jag sett!

Anonym sa...

härligt det ser ut

bestie sa...

aww, i do hope you feel happier tomorrow! and by the way, lying in the grass is one of my favorite things to do. i love your picture.(:

gallon.blogg.se sa...

vilken härligt somrig bild det där va..:)

Anonym sa...

åh vilken fin bild. jag tycker att ditt utseende är otroligt vackert!

..... sa...

u could model !! your face is so flawless

Anonym sa...

Åh flitigt att du skriver på engelska hela tiden, jag hade inte orkat.
Vacker bild!