
Hello, I'm here!

I don't have anything to say but: HI! Don't know if I'm going to wright in svenska eller engelska, I'll let time deside. But I think it will end up in english, because I feel I can relate more to english than swedish. Pretty funny because I'm actually swedish, but we all have our ups and downs, right?
I hope this can turn out well. This blog is some kind of a new begining to me, and you don't have to follow me if you don't want to. I'm democratic so why shouldn't I let you deside? I know I'm just talking crap right now, but that's how it goes when I write in english. This wasn't an important message from my side, but I promise my next one will be a "normal" one. Bye!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

jag älskar nystarter. ibland känns det som om jag startar om på nytt varje dag, eftersom jag är så konstigh. men jag tror att det är nyttigt för oss unga att ta varje dag som en ny dag. annars blir det för många dagar att räkna när vi blir gamla.